Goat's cheese and ratatouille tartlets
Simon can't make enough of these - demand always outstrips supply and he often ends up making them to order for the cafe, such is their popularity. They are so delicious and such a nice change from sandwiches, that people just go mad for them. Serve them with a green salad or just munch on their own.
Make enough shortcrust pastry to fill 16 shallow 10cm tartlet cases and bake blind.
The Roast Vegetables
You'll need
Cherry tomatoes
Pepper and salt
Salted capers (soaked and rinsed)
Fresh oregano
Fresh goat's cheese (Papadeli sells 5 day old goat's whole goat's cheeses which can be cut into four - ideal for this)
Chop all the veg up into large-ish chunks (the tartlets look so much prettier like this) and bake each vegetable separately in a hot oven (200C). Cover with plenty of extra virgin olive oil, plenty of salt and pepper and oregano.
Aubergine - 20 minutes
Cherry tomatoes - 5 minutes
Fennel - 10 minutes
Courgettes - 5 minutes (these need to be a bit crunchy)
When all the vegetables are roasted, mix together with the oregano and capers.
Assemble the veg into each tart case - a little of each - put a couple of whole cherry tomatoes in each as they look really attractive.
For the sauce
You'll need:
1 pint of double cream
4 free range eggs
2 yolks
Pepper and salt.
Mix the above altogether until a smooth creamy sauce. Pour over the veg to fill each case. Add a chunk of goat's cheese to each tartlet and bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes.
These delicious little tartlets can be eaten hot or cold.
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